Friday, December 4, 2009

Are you happy?

I love this question. It is always asked by someone who thinks they have the answer to this question. It's always a trap...that I love falling for, only for the sake of the argument that follows. Religion is the typical solution offered. But little does the poor soul know that I have an extensive background in the subject. I try to disguise my excitement and slowly reel them in with a series of awesome questions.

I am depressed...I feel like I'm missing something.

Can this give me eternal peace and happiness?

So, you are happy???

It's funny to me...the answers they give. Sure, religion offers peace and happiness, but it doesn't exempt you from depression or sadness or pain. Nowhere does it say that...much like those Al Queda and their 30 virgins the only real promises they can make involve nothing they can prove. It's all fairy tales and unicorns.

Well...I never said you'd ALWAYS be happy.

God wouldn't let that happen to you...unless he WANTED to, plus He only gives you what you can handle. Ya...up to the point of death, so there is no limit just feel good promises.

I don't say all this out of spite for being burned by religion..ok, I PARTLY say that out of spite but I do like to think I'm partially objective (maybe I'm blinded just like I think my religious counterparts are blinded). I just can't stand the lures used and then the reality that's given after by these people. Just follow your religion and be honest about it...or does that make it too difficult to sell?